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Current Activities

ECSDN Professional Issues


ECSDN engages with initiatives in the professional development of those involved with working in the early years. Seeking to ensure that Early Childhood Studies degrees are preparing graduates appropriately for the future. The ECSDN aims to enable the sector to discover the latest thinking and research in early childhood.


Subject Benchmarks:​


ECSDN regularly reviews the subject benchmarks with the Quality Assessment Authority to make sure they are inline with sector requirements and the latest thinking on early childhood.​

Graduate Practitioner Competencies​


ECSDN works with the DFE to maintain the recognition of Early Childhood Studies Graduates with practitioners options as qualified practitioners.​

Apprenticeship Pathways​


ECSDN has worked with the Early Years sector on Apprenticeship pathways.​

EYFS/Early Years Assessment​


ECSDN advocate for issues related to the Early Years Foundation Stage and Early Years Assessments, seeking to align policy with the research and thinking promoting the best outcomes for children.​

First 1001 Days​


ECDN supports the first 1000 days as many ECS graduates are involved in family support and care for the children under the age of three.​

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