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Funded Research
Funded Research
In 2020 the ECSDN launched the Research Grant scheme which provided the opportunity for member institutions to bid for the sum of up to £5,000 for their studies.
This page houses a number of research projects funded by the ECSDN.

Funded Research - Article 1
'Quality Early Childhood Education and Care practices: The importance of skills, knowledge and the Early Childhood Graduate Practitioner Competencies.'
Aim: To explore the ECEC sector’s perspectives on:
Higher education (HE) qualifications on the skills and knowledge graduates need to develop, both in training and in practice, to provide high quality ECEC provision.
Research team:
Dr Nikki Fairchild (University of Portsmouth), Dr Éva Mikuska (University of Chichester), Alex Sabine (University of Portsmouth), Sarah Barton (University of Portsmouth)​​
Funded Research - Article 2
'A report on findings from the Early Childhood Graduate Practitioner Competencies (ECGPC) Research Project.'
Aim: Exploring practitioner, academic tutors and student experiences and perspectives of the ECGPC’s.​
Research team:
Dr Tanya Richardson, Su Wall, and Sigrid Brogaard Clausen​​
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