The Early Childhood Studies Graduate Practitioner Competencies

Graduate Practitioner Competencies
Please note that the Graduate Practitioner Competencies can only be embedded in degrees mapped on to ECS QAA Benchmark Statement.
Graduate Practitioner Competencies
It is over twenty-five years since the first Early Childhood Studies degree students graduated and the Early Childhood Studies Degrees Network (ECSDN) was launched. The degree was aimed at providing higher level study opportunities for those working in the Early Childhood Education and Care sector. Since this time the number of degrees has grown enormously, and Early Childhood is now firmly established as an inter-disciplinary academic field in its own right with a QAA Benchmark Statement. The need for highly qualified graduate Early Childhood practitioners is as relevant today as it was in the early 1990s. The introduction of the Early Childhood Graduate Practitioner competencies, as an optional route in degree programmes, is a timely and important development. Use the slidshow below to earn more about the ECSDN Graduate Practitioner Competencies.
1.1 Demonstrate how you listen to and work in collaboration with young children, individually and in groups.
1.2 Observe, support and extend young children’s participation in their learning through following their needs and interests.
1.3 Support children to respect others by providing opportunities for their participation and decision making.
Please note:
The ECSDN Graduate Practitioner Competencies are exclusive to network membership. To learn more about membership, click on the button below.
To discover more about the Graduate Practitioner Competencies, the benefits of embedding these on your Early Childhood courses and to hear from students who have implemented them, please follow this link: