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Student Publication Archieve

Student Publications

We are proud to offer a showcase for ECS students’ selected reviewed work


Welcome to the student publication archive. This section includes ECSDN Journal materials from 2017 throuh to 2023. 

Welcome to the ECSDN student publication journal

The place of research evidence to inform early childhood education effectiveness has received increasing attention in the last two decades and is making an important contribution to evidence informed policy and practise.


The student papers in this edition celebrate the extraordinary range of research into early childhood education and care.



Themes covered in this edition include:
  • Early Childhood Studies Degrees development
  • Graduate careers
  • Professionalism


Access the student papers by clicking on the image.

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Pre 2023
Pre 2023, students were invited to share some of their research which was hosted on the ECSDN website. These archived materials have been combined into a single document for your convenience.  


Access the student papers by clicking on the image.

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