Subject Benchmarks

Subject Benchmarks
Early Childhood Studies Benchmark Standards
In 2005 we began the the process of developing Early Childhood Studies Benchmark statements as a subject area with the Quality Assurance Agency. The definitive benchmark statements for Early Childhood Studies degrees were published in 2007 (QAA, 2007).
These were updated in 2021 in a review process chaired by Philippa Thompson, Co-Chair of the Early Childhood Studies Degree Network, in partnership with the Quality Assurance Agency.
How can I use this document?
This document is a subject benchmark statement for early childhood studies that defines what can be expected of a graduate in the subject, in terms of what they might know, do and understand at the end of their studies.
About Subject Benchmark Statements
Subject benchmark statements form part of the UK Quality Code for Higher Education (Quality Code) which sets out the Expectations that all providers of UK higher education reviewed by QAA are required to meet.
They are a component of Part A: Setting and maintaining academic standards, which includes the Expectation that higher education providers 'consider and take account of relevant subject benchmark statements' in order to secure threshold academic standards.
Subject benchmark statements describe the nature of study and the academic standards expected of graduates in specific subject areas and in respect of particular qualifications. They provide a picture of what graduates in a particular subject might reasonably be expected to know, do and understand at the end of their programme of study.